“Remember that art journaling and opening your third eye is a gradual process that requires patience and consistency. Trust your journey. It’s also important to maintain overall chakra balance and take care of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.”

By: Ana Fairchild

Master Certified Life Coach




Welcome to our blog post where we’re going to investigate the sixth chakra called the Third Eye. The third eye is also called Ajna in Sanskrit. It is an energy center located above the space between the eyebrows on the forehead. Intuition and higher consciousness are associated with the third eye chakra. Activating your third eye can unlock intuition, expand awareness and soulful creativity. The colors that support balance for the third eye are purple and deep blue/indigo. Some people experience an overactive third eye or an underactive third eye. An overactive third eye can lead to a tendency to live in a fantasy world. Those with an underactive third eye may feel disconnected from their spiritual side. When we embrace the power of the third eye, we can embark on a new journey. We can engage in higher levels of consciousness and engage on the path to self-discovery. Speaking of self-discovery, we’re going to dive into art journaling.

I love being creative! Art journaling conveys messages of self-expression. Whether you’re new to art journaling or you’re a pro, you will gain a deeper connection to your creative spirit. Art journaling is a wonderful practice that combines writing, drawing, or collage techniques. This allows you to explore thoughts/ideas, emotions, and personal stories outward. Within your art journal, you can include your favorite poems and affirmations. Step outside your comfort zone you will expand your creative endeavors. It’s not the result that’s important. Create from within. Enjoy the journey of soulful creativity.

Creative Sacred Space: Decorate your space that will uplift you.  Pay attention to the lighting in your sacred space. Choose lighting options that will create a soothing and focused ambiance. Consider using candles or fairy lights to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. You could add your favorite soothing music or even try out a new song.

Engage in Mindful Art Making:  The canvas of your consciousness. allows you to immerse in this meditative and creative experience.  Allow your creative spirit to guide you to explore and meditate as a tool. Soulful creativity is a process to be present in the moment. When you art journal you can be attuned to enlightenment and guide your artistic choices.

Drawing or Painting: There are different art mediums and colors to bring vibrancy and depth to your representation. Seek a state of flow, where you are in the moment. Tracking time for this is not important. What is important is to become completely absorbed in the creative process. Reflect on what you drew or painted. For me, art serves as a mirror for your inner self. This provides an opportunity to think out of the box which provides an opportunity for self-discovery for your creative spirit.

Collage: Cutting out images or patterns from a magazine or printed material will remind you of the third eye symbol. You can arrange them on your journal page in different directions, and layers, creating a collage that evokes the essence of the symbol. When you combine different textures, colors, and shapes it creates a compelling representation. When you leaf through the papers or textiles, you can select those that resonate most with you. You could create your own layers of different mediums. Being in the moment by connecting with colors, textures, or images that match your intention. Trust the process and let go of self-judgment.

Healing and Transformation: Allow yourself to create without any preconceived ideas. Art journaling and meditation is a healing art form that allows you to challenge existing beliefs and narratives. Writing and art journaling is an outlet for emotional release, cultivating well-being, and promoting healing. You can express emotions related to your third eye chakra. This will be a way for you to create and write in a safe place so that you can gain clarity, validate your intuitive experiences and honor your inner wisdom.

Storytelling: Art journaling can be a way for people to begin to not only tell their stories but also to document their journeys. There are many images, symbols, and words that you can create a visual narrative that will capture your dreams and passions. Art journaling through your storytelling is a self-reflection in a meaningful and creative way. This can be a challenge as you see a blank page before you, but you can connect to the blank page and start your canvas of creating your story. Storytelling that brings art journaling prompts that relate to the third eye can deepen the process of inner awakening.

Try these prompts:

Using collages, gather the images that resonate with the third eye and your creative spirit. In what way do the different elements resonate with your experiences for spiritual growth

Create a representation of your vision by closing your eyes and imagining your third eye as a vibrant glowing center. What color or symbol resonates with your artistic vision?

Take a deep breath in and then out. Clear your mind as you meditate on this question, how can you further nourish and inspire your creative spirit? Use your art journal to represent the stages of your spiritual awakening your in.

Affirmations you can write into your art journal:

  • I am deeply connected with my spiritual truth.
  • With each collage piece that resonates with me, I can tell my story.
  • I am a channel for divine wisdom, and I embrace my inner vision in this journey.

Remember that art journaling and opening your third eye is a gradual process that requires patience and consistency. Trust your journey. It’s also important to maintain overall chakra balance and take care of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.  We hope you feel inspired to embark on your own journaling journey. Love and light.




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